The Future Is Fully Enfranchised.
We’ve imagined a future when freedoms, rights and lasting improvements are guaranteed to Black communities because Black voters show up consistently, regardless of election cycle dynamics. In this future, Black civic engagement organizations are performing at their highest levels as a result of our collective evaluation work.
About All Americans Vote
All Americans Vote aims to motivate underrepresented Americans to engage in the most patriotic of exercises – voting! If youth and voters of color (the “YVC” electorate) were to match turnout among older non-Hispanic white voters, the electorate would expand by 19 million voters in presidential years and 25 million voters in midterms.
How do we get there?
In examining super-voting communities, we have learned that long term voter engagement is not driven by an individual candidate, campaign, issue or election cycle. So what motivates super-voters? Literature and data point to a social association within a broader culture of voting.
Our Hypothesis
Every year, Americans voluntarily spend more than $20 billion dollars on Valentine’s Day, SuperBowl Sunday and St. Patrick’s Day. By comparison, voter turnout efforts are funded at a paltry ~0.2% of that annual budget (~$500 million every 4 years). Additionally, traditional turnout efforts to date have been predictable, ineffective, underfunded and woefully insufficient.
All Americans Vote is coordinating a layered effort aimed at producing dramatic turnout increases among the YVC electorate. By deploying best-in-class relational organizing, digital media, mass media, direct mail and celebration campaigns we can catalyze a tipping effect within this critical demographic. By demonstrating critical mass, we can also create a self-sustaining market where consumption-related industries such as fireworks and food and beverages advertise and promote voting day in November and related days (such as early voting day in October and voter registration day in September).
Having examined hundreds of proposals from entities across the ecosystem, All Americans Vote has identified a core group of founders/organizations that have shown unmatched promise in catalyzing a tipping effect. We have brought these groups together, first in concept and now in practice, to complement and amplify each others’ work. WIth our direction, this unique mix of orgs is concentrating their combined efforts in specific geographies to measurably demonstrate impact.
Key 2020 Portfolio Organizations
Pizza to the Polls is making democracy delicious by delivering free food for all to polling places with long lines. As reports of long wait times come in, Pizza To The Polls will deploy food trucks (wrapped with 1-866-OURVOTE, and manned with Associated Press photographers) to polling places to feed hungry patriots waiting in line to vote.
America is facing a record shortage of poll workers this year due to the coronavirus. Our democracy depends on ordinary people who make sure elections run smoothly and everyone’s vote is counted. To date, PTP has signed up over 600,000 citizens to work America’s poll centers!
Integrating the best concepts of relational organizing, and leveraging the most trusted brand in Black advocacy, innovators within the NAACP have devised a method of activating supervoters in the Black community to “drag” their family/friends/neighbors along with them to the polls.
LUCHA is a membership-led, grassroots organization that builds power with Arizona’s working families to advance social, racial and economic justice for all. Led by dynamic, Latinx leadership, LUCHA works from within and for the Latinx community in Arizona.
Building “Power Through Love”, BVM aims to increase power within the Black community through voter engagement and education. Touring the country is their fleet of “Blackest Buses In America”, drawing crowds in counties and neighborhoods that are otherwise untouched.
The Students Learn Students Vote (SLSV) Coalition, a project of the National Conference on Citizenship and the largest nonpartisan network in the United States dedicated to increasing college student voter participation. With national initiatives such as National Voter Education Week, SLSV activates student networks and administrative leadership to register, engage and turnout every student on each of its partner campuses.
Grassroots network of over 1 million moms amplifying women’s voices through authentic, person-to-person outreach, culturally relevant activations, data-backed hand written letter campaigns, etc.
Cornerstone initiatives such as “Social Pressure” direct mail (black-and-white pieces informing voters of how often they have historically voted compared with their neighbors) are the hallmark of this organization’s proven methodology.
Breakthrough, scalable mobilization of the African American vote through relational organizing faith-based communities, HBCU’s and the broader black community through their robust training paradigm and detail-oriented action plans.
The key project in this area is engagement of the Puerto Rican diaspora. Led by Luis Miranda and Nathalie Rayes, HF is leading a team of organizers on the island of Puerto Rico and in key metro areas in Florida and North Carolina to map the issues and leaders of those communities and drive mainland communities to turn out at island levels – widely reported to be over 80% every election day!
PushBlack will drive the single largest GOTV digital experiment in history. Through FB messenger content and friend-to-friend engagement this organization has shown promise in significantly increasing attributable voter turnout in specified geographies. The content and target audience is expanding to include LatinX and parents of younger subscribers.